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Profile photo of Jasmine Soliman standing in front of archive stacks 20190415

Collections management and navigation through workflow management, critical cataloguing, instinctual searches, active inclusion and accessibility in all forms

I lead on archival collections management and accessibility, managing all elements of pre and post acquisition work with a focus on the language and vocabulary of description and subject headings, website user experience (UX), and social media outreach. My archives work began in 2013 at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Cairo Photo Archive and continued when I joined the Akkasah: Photography Archive in 2016 - now part of al Mawrid: Arab Center for the Study of Art. I am the inaugural Senior Archives and Records Specialist at MBZ University of AI. 

I am neurodiverse (ADHD) and disabled (Literacy Processing Disorder), this is something that informs my work, particularly in-terms of subject headings as 'pathways to data' and website user experience. I endeavor to create archives that are inclusive and accessible to all in their design and function, and considerate of socioeconomic status and physical ability.

I am the Founder of which highlights repertory cinema screenings in the UAE and London with spreadsheets. For those that use screen readers, have visual processing disorders, Dyslexia or ADHD; cluttered, image-heavy websites can be difficult to navigate. Spreadsheets allow for visually clear data and can be duplicated easily so the user can keep or edit their own version. I use Google Sheets for accessibility for those that don't have Excel software.

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